Monday, April 22, 2013


There are some days where I really feel like I rock as a mom.  The days where I feel an entire National Geographic expose should be written about me and my extremely advanced mothering skills.  Take today for example, the sleep gods naturally woke me up at 6:22 am.  I got to cruise Facebook and Instagram, check my emails, and lay in bed and stare at the ceiling before I leisurely got out of bed.  I even got to do my hair and make my breakfast before Baby Bear woke up.  Why is it that when you set your alarm to wake you, you don't want to wake up?  I wish I could magically wake up every morning at the right time.  How can I orchestrate that?....  Something to add to my to do list.
Baby Bear was happy and even more adorable than usual and she even finally ventured away from her play mat to crawl around our den, which we have been working on for a while.  She went down for her nap at the perfect time and even took a longer than usual nap, so I had plenty of time to blog, do some Junior League projects, get ready, change 100 times to find the perfect outfit, and talk on the phone with my best friend.
We had lunch with her grandpa, great-grandparents and great-aunt, and she sat for an hour and a half without complaining.  I even got to eat lunch!  Baby Bear let every single person at the table hold her, which is a miracle, since she is currently going through her 9 month old stranger danger phase.
As we left lunch, the sun was shining, the weather was absolutely perfect, and I felt like I could do anything.  Write an Oscar winning movie script: check; Solve hunger problems in Africa: check; Think of a way to get Alice and Olivia to give me all their clothes free so I can "market" their brand: check.  I conquered lunch with great-grandparents and great-aunts with flying colors.  Baby Bear was beyond charming, smiley, and laughy.  Boy did she make me look good.
It's days like this that instantly make you forget the horrible, awful days where nothing goes right: the baby is fussy for no reason, she wakes up too early for your lunch date or sleeps right through it, you burn dinner, you're having a bad hair day, you feel bloated and "squishy," and to top it off, your husband wants to have sex with you right as you're finally, thankfully, at last falling asleep.  These are the days that make you wonder what you're doing in life and why God ever thought you should have a baby.
Take it from me, savor these good day moments.  Even if they are only two seconds long.  Enjoy the teeny moment your baby smiles at you first thing in the morning, and remember it as your cleaning coughed up oatmeal off your dry clean only shirt that you literally just got back from the cleaners the day before.

Have a truly fabulous day!

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